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ADOA Association launches a Give Back Program to support the low vision community

ADOAA Association new 'Give Back' Program

Do you have a family member or friend with low vision who’s struggling to afford basic equipment that would make their life exponentially easier and more manageable? At the Autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy (ADOA) Association, we understand. And we’re continuously looking for ways to support the low vision community. That’s why today, we have an exciting announcement to make – the official launch of our Give Back Program!

There are a wide range of tools that help children and adults with low vision be more independent and succeed in their everyday lives – from screen readers to medical devices. At ADOAA, we know how expensive it can be for the vision impaired to get access to those resources. We’re here to make accessing the essentials easier for you, by creating our Give Back Program to help your family pay for that equipment.

To apply for the Give Back Program, start by filling out the request form on the ADOAA website. This form requires information about the person submitting the request, the assistance recipients’ information, a description of the requested low vision equipment, and a shipping address for the equipment. Uploading a signed physician diagnosis verification is also required to apply for the program.

After submitting your application, you may receive a call from one of the ADOAA board members to discuss your request in more detail. We have a total of $5,000 available for the launch of our program, which will be provided to the applicants most in need.

We are excited to start giving back to the ADOA community, but we know this is only one small step of many that are needed to support those with low vision. We want to hear from you to learn about other ways we can help. If you have questions about the Give Back Program, or want to share your story with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out – fill out the Contact Us form at the bottom of our website. And be sure to follow us on Facebook for frequent updates.


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