By now, you’ve probably started down the path of conquering your New Year’s resolution. Every year we do the same thing: making resolutions that help us improve ourselves. Maybe you want to lose weight, read more books, or get a higher paying job.
The list could go on and on! But what if this year we all stop focusing our efforts on ourselves and instead put our New Year's time and energy into improving the lives of others?
We could make the world a better place.
This year, take one step closer to that goal by making it your resolution to volunteer for a cause in need. Volunteering is a resolution that gives back in multiple ways.
HelpGuide, in partnership with Harvard Health, states researchers found that volunteering not only benefits your community, but it makes you a happier, healthier person overall.
Connecting with other likeminded people, and helping those in need, increases one’s self-confidence and aids in combatting psychological roadblocks such as anxiety and depression. It can even keep you physically active and teach you invaluable life skills.
But getting out there is the easiest part. Once you’ve settled on your resolution, the even more difficult task is keeping it. U.S. News contributor Joseph Luciani points out that by the time February rolls around, about 80 percent of people who made a New Year’s resolution have already abandoned it. Make 2019 the year you stick to your resolution! If it involves volunteering, you will have a new network of acquaintances and a new sense of duty to hold you accountable.
We hope you consider helping others this New Year because we know that we wouldn’t be where we are today without the support of people like you. And there are plenty of ways to get involved with ADOAA!
1. Donate today to support crucial medical research, not only to cure those who suffer from ADOA, but also a myriad of other mitochondrial diseases.
2. Volunteer with us to make those unexpected connections with people you may never have met otherwise, to benefit a good cause, and to improve your own mental and physical wellbeing.
3. Host an event or fundraiser to spread our efforts and our message across the globe.
This year, let’s focus on the bigger picture.
When we change our mindsets and resolve to help others, we are taking a step towards making the world a better place.
Join ADOAA today and we can conquer our 2019 goals together.